RNLI 200 Voices
Discover how the RNLI - the charity that saves lives at sea - has been saving and changing lives since 1824. You’ll hear the voices of brave lifesavers, grateful survivors, selfless volunteers, kind supporters, fascinating experts and more, all sharing their own special RNLI stories.

Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
The sea doesn’t take a day off – neither do the lifeguards at Crosby Beach. Siobhan Murphy explains why
Crosby Beach is unique, and in more ways than one. It’s the only beach patrolled by RNLI lifeguards 365 days a year. And on Christmas Day, Senior Lifeguard Siobhan Murphy will be one of them.
They’re kept busy by the tourists who come to see the 100 Antony Gormley sculptures – titled Another Place – that span the length of the beach. Siobhan explains the dangers that catch some visitors out. Dangers that mean the lifeguards – just like the army of statues looking out to sea – must keep vigil, day in, day out.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by Adventurous Audio
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Christmas 2021: paraglider Dermot Ryan explains why his best present was from Newhaven RNLI
It’s Christmas Eve, and paraglider Dermot has the scary realisation that he is about to swap the sky for the sea. After landing at the foot of a cliff with fellow paraglider, Trevor, both are soon cut off by the incoming tide.
Soaked by the crashing waves, Dermot’s body temperature plummets. Newhaven RNLI volunteers are tantalisingly close, but due to the conditions, can’t get close enough. Should Dermot follow Trevor into the water, or take his chances against the sea’s onslaught?
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by the RNLI's James Dwyer
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Martin Stephen has three sons and five grandchildren. He reveals why none of them would be here without the RNLI
Martin Stephen and his two younger cousins, Angus and Davy, loved visiting Dunbar Harbour. When the wind blew strong, they’d pull on their welly boots and head down to watch the water crash onto the rocks. But on 23 December 1970, their windy-day ritual was never to be the same again.
With the wind blowing gale force 10, Davy got caught by a freak wave. Martin jumped in to try to save him, but the water was too ferocious. With both of them in serious trouble, Angus raised the alarm. Shortly after, the Dunbar lifeboat crew arrived and hauled Martin out of the sea. But tragically, Davy was never found.
Fifty-three years on, Martin recalls the terrifying moment when he thought he was going to die, and how this – and Davy’s passing – helped him to appreciate the simplicities of life: health, happiness, and family. He also explains how his rescue led to a career in helping other people – just as the volunteers helped him.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by Adventurous Audio
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Ireland’s voice of the sea – Tom MacSweeney – on the crew member who made the ultimate sacrifice on Christmas Eve
It was a false alarm with tragic consequences. Tom MacSweeney – maritime journalist and former presenter of RTE’s radio show, Seascapes – tells the story of what happened when RNLI Kilmore Quay volunteers left their loved ones on Christmas Eve 1977 to respond to a call out in their lifeboat, Lady Murphy.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by the RNLI's Darren Crew
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
It’s often said that the RNLI is a family. That’s certainly how former priest Tom McGuire feels – the Lough Ree Lifeboat Press Officer has even christened some of the crew
When his wife spotted an advert for Lifeboat Press Officer at Lough Ree RNLI, Tom didn’t hesitate to volunteer. Having previously worked in the area as a priest, he was welcomed into the role by crew he’d married, christened, or played football with.
With a career in broadcast journalism under his belt, Tom talks of his passion for telling the stories of the RNLI, and his deep understanding of the importance of the lifeboat to the community it supports.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by the RNLI's Rory Stamp
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
From the sea to Spaghetti Junction, Swim Safe’s Ashley Jones teaches children all over the UK to stay safe in and around open water
Most children learn to swim in an indoor pool, but swimming in open water is very different – and it's often when accidents happen. That’s why Swim England and the RNLI partnered to form the Swim Safe programme, which delivers fun and free water safety sessions to children at inland and coastal locations.
Heading up the campaign, Ashley Jones shares top tips to help children stay safe in and around open water – and how ultimately, those messages have helped save lives.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by Adventurous Audio
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Folk singer Seth Lakeman on what inspired him to write the song Solomon Browne in tribute to the Penlee lifeboat crew lost at sea
Seth Lakeman grew up surrounded by remarkable stories – whether that be through his father’s career as a journalist, or spending weekends with his family immersed in music at local folk clubs. It was his passion for great stories – and tunes from the folk music community – that inspired his career as a singer-songwriter.
Hear Seth talk about how he came to write Solomon Browne – a special song dedicated to those sadly lost in the Penlee lifeboat disaster on 19 December 1981 – and find out how friends from throughout his life have brought him even closer to the RNLI’s lifesaving cause.
One of the crew members sadly lost was Stephen Madron. In another episode from our 200 Voices series, Stephen's wife Janet Madron shares her deeply personal account of the Penlee tragedy, and why she still loves being an RNLI volunteer. Listen to Janet's podcast episode to hear her story.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by the RNLI's Rory Stamp
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
She’s admired for being a history-making Olympian, but Helen Glover’s own admiration goes to RNLI crews. The Cornish rower explains why
Having lived by the sea in Cornwall all her life, Olympic rower Helen Glover has loved the water for as long as she can remember. So it's no surprise that she's long admired the RNLI crews that put their lives on the line to save others. In particular, she singles out the volunteers from Penzance – where Helen grew up – who were tragically lost in the 1981 Penlee lifeboat disaster.
In this episode, hear Helen explain why she has so much respect for the selfless RNLI volunteers. And find out which moment during her London 2012 Olympics journey was the most special.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by Adventurous Audio
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
When 12-year-old Theo Pulman spotted a friend struggling in the water, he remembered the RNLI’s float-to-live advice
It was the school summer holidays. Theo and his friends were enjoying a day at Burry Port Beach, when one of Theo’s friends got into difficulty in the sea. Dashing into the water to help the boy, Theo asked another friend to call 999.
Theo talks about the advice he gave the boy: stay calm and float like a starfish – lifesaving advice his grandfather, Deputy Launch Authority at Burry Port, had passed on. His grandfather is just one of three in Theo’s family at Burry Port RNLI – and if Theo’s brilliant quick-thinking actions are anything to go by, the young lifesaver will one day likely join them.
In another episode from our 200 Voices series, Tina Powsey remembered to float like a starfish when she and her friend got into trouble in the water. Listen to Tina’s podcast episode to find out how the RNLI's Float to Live advice saved their lives.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by Adventurous Audio
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200

Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Meet the man who helped develop the first lifejacket to fit both male and female crew
Male. Female. Tall. Short. Light. Heavy. RNLI crew come in every size and shape – and it was RNLI Senior Engineer Allen Steven’s job to work on a lifejacket design to fit every crew member. The first person to acknowledge that one size doesn’t fit all, Allen explains how crew input influenced the lifejacket’s evolution – and the ultimate lifejacket design.
Allen also shares his pride in founding the RNLI Disability Network. After suffering life-threatening injuries in 1987 and living with a brain injury ever since, he’s passionate about championing the voices of those who may not otherwise be heard.
200 Voices is produced by Adventurous Audio for the RNLI
Interview by the RNLI's Amy Bratley
Soundtrack composed and performed by Jon Nicholls
The RNLI is a charity celebrating 200 years of saving lives at sea - find out more at RNLI.org/200